Friday, September 4, 2015

When did America become an oxymoron?


Separate it is just a bunch of letters, but together it is the name of a country that used to mean something. A Nation that used to stand for something and which was the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. America was a place where national pride and the American way meant something. Where we made the hard decisions and did what needed to be done despite what the rest of the world thought. This describes the America I was born into 30 years ago, but the sad reality is that I don't even recognize the country I grew up in anymore. Much of the American way of life and the freedom that I served in the Military to protect have disappeared and continue to disappear daily. So that goes back to my earlier question, when did America become an oxymoron? In the following paragraphs I am going to describe why I believe that America is an oxymoron.  

We are living in a generation where men become women and are called courageous, given awards and celebrated as heroes by the media. A generation in which the president funds Iran a know state sponsors of terror and regime that has vowed to wipe America off the map. A country where the government continues to give hundreds of millions of dollars to a company that has been caught murdering babies, tearing (literally) them apart and selling the parts for profit. Where we do stand for gender, not man or woman but for any and all genders. Where there are 58 different types of gender available to choose from on Facebook and Target is removing gender labels because they are offensive and confusing. The standard in the country now is that you must accept any and all genders as failure to do so may result in your livelihood being stripped away. 

We do stand for freedom, we are free to be whatever gender we want, illegal immigrants are free to come into the country and collect welfare checks. We are now free to marry whomever we wish regardless of gender type, how long before people will be able to marry animals. We are free to teach religion is schools as long as it's not Christianity. Anyone is free to come to America illegally without any fear of deportation regardless of criminal record. We are free to speak out as long as we don't say anything that could be construed as politically incorrect. Free to work hard and pay taxes so that the government can continue to issue welfare checks to anyone and everyone who comes to America. When will we as a country stand up and say enough is enough, when will we (the majority of Americans and Christians) take back what is rightfully ours?

So what do we do about it, we say enough is enough, it is time to take a stand for freedom. If you don't care about your own freedom then stand for the freedom of our children and grandchildren. In what is likely to be the most important election in our countries history it has never been more important than now to stand up and be counted. If you agree and want to stand with me for freedom then please share this post.

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