Monday, September 21, 2015

The true Iranian deal and the 98 that made it possible

The Iranian deal, perhaps the crowning achievement of Obama presidency. 

Not a legacy to the American people, but a legacy to the Muslim world. A legacy that puts Iran on a fast track to a nuclear weapon all the while giving them 150 billion dollars to continue funding terrorist. There is nothing in this deal that is good for America, but then when has anything Obama done been for America. As usual Obama thinks himself an emperor and the people we sent to Washington have as usual betrayed the country and the American people. 

America is going to essentially become the biggest sponsor of terror with this deal. With the release of the 150 Billion Dollars (back to the regime that wishes to wipe America and Israel off the map) America is funding terrorist. There is no other way to look at it, we brokered the deal and pushed for it on the world stage therefore it rests expressly at our feet.

I have seen several post related to the 34 Senators that voted against the Iranian deal. The question people should be asking is why that number is significant? The Corker-Cardin Bill required a 2/3 majority vote to override a promised veto from the president. Overriding the veto is the only way the bill has any effect. This was no secret and yet it passed with an overwhelming majority. That means we were betrayed by 98 of our elected officials not just the 34 democrats that eventually voted for the deal. 

The Corker-Cardin Bill was nothing more than politics as usual in Washington. It was a weak bill to start with and one that set the stage for a show vote on the deal. There should have been no bill to start with since this deal is a treaty plain and simple. Congress should have brought the deal to a vote as a treaty and done what we put them in office to do (keep the president accountable). We were not betrayed by the democrats, they did exactly what they said they would do. We were again betrayed by the spineless politicians and the Republican majority in both houses. 

The Republican party has time and time again betrayed the American people but never to this magnitude. It is nothing new but the stakes have never been this high and the consequences this grave. Had the deal been presented as the treaty which it is the president would have required a 2/3 majority for it to be ratified? This means that there would have been no deal and that America would be a safer place for it. The powers that be would have you believe that they did everything they could to stop the deal. They are banking on the fact that people will not realize the game they are playing but many do and it is time we took a stand before it is too late. I would like you to name one thing that America got in exchange for the massive concessions that we gave to the terrorist nations that is Iran. 

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