Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The biggest problem with money is...

How much do you value money over happiness? 

According to a pew research poll men are more likely than not to put earning over enjoyment when it comes to work. Why is it that men put money over enjoyment of their job? I want to examine a few questions below that I and I am sure some of you have struggled with.

How much is enough money to make me happy? 

  • While the answer to this may vary from person to person it is probably along the lines of "enough so I don't have to worry about it". This is an understandable and reasonable response to the question but is it true? If you didn't have to worry about money would you really consider it enough. Maybe, maybe not, people tend to adapt to their circumstances whether they be good or bad. 

  • If you had enough money that you didn't have to worry about it and could maintain your current lifestyle would you really be happy? I tend to think not, the fact that you didn't have to worry about money would satisfy until you tired of not working or got tired of your current lifestyle. 

Why we work...

  • I believe that people work for a purpose, even if that purpose is not something that satisfies them. You are working because you love or enjoy what you do or you are working for the money. You really cant have it both way though. If you are working because you enjoy what you do then money is a bonus. If you are working for the money then you are not working because you enjoy what you do. Most people that take a job for money over enjoyment (which is most men) are doing it because they value money or something that money can bring more than they value job satisfaction. There is nothing wrong with this, I have had more jobs that I hated and did for the money than I did jobs that I enjoyed. 

Do you want something different
  • I am a fan of changing things that I don’t like. I have had numerous different career paths since I was 18 and it took me a while to get it right. I knew I didn’t like a job so i went back to school to get a different specialty. I did this numerous times making progressively more with each job change. What I didn’t get with any of them was more job satisfaction. I had convinced myself that if I could make enough money than my job would be worth it.

  •  I can say after 12 years of searching that this is not true. It is not an easy thing to take a job strictly because you love doing it. It may seem like a luxury that you can’t afford but I would challenge that you can’t afford not to. Money can’t buy happiness and when you spend 40 hours a week doing something you deserve to enjoy it.  

The How to 

  • For me I had to reach a tipping point where I was going to make a change or likely be stuck where I was forever. There will never be a perfect point at which to do this and it will likely be very uncomfortable. But picture yourself at your job till you are in your 60's, does that really sound like a full life to you? If not then ask yourself one question, if I could do anything and money was not a factor what would I be doing? If you can honestly answer that question then you are likely well on your way to finding a job that you will enjoy going to every day till your in you 60’s and beyond . 

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