What has the country as a whole come to when free speech is dependent on your political association or sexual orientation. With the resignation of the CEO of Mozilla due to an outcry of the lgbt community over what was done with his personal funds full article . The gay community has turned itself into nothing short of a bully using threats and protests to remove anyone that gets in it's way. The nation as a whole has slipped so far down the slope of gay rights that people are scared to say or do anything that might be perceived as going against the all mighty gay community. While you may not agree with this it is hard to argue with the fact that the CEO was forced out do to a donation that he made in 2008. The sad reality is that this is just one of many instances in which the gay community has used threats and coercion to bulldoze anyone who dares to disagree or take a different view.
The other major instance of this that many have probably heard of is the network removing one of the main cast members of the Duck Dynasty show full article. This as in the case of the Mozilla CEO the gay community became outraged over comments that were made by the cast member. The Network "A&E" proceeded to bow to the demands of the gay community and indefinitely suspended the cast member. Fortunately this isn't the way the story ended, as it should have happened people did not sit idly by and let it happen. People came out in dropped to support the Robinson family and boycott the network unless it reinstated Phil back to the show. The sad reality is that it doesn't matter what the non-gay community says or does if the gay community feels that they were wronged they go straight to the bully tactics that they have used so many times. They claim to want equality for all and the same rights that straight people have however they refuse to accept anyone's opinion that disagrees with them. While I'm sure this is not all people of the gay community the fact of the matter is that it has and continues to happen on a national scale. Whatever your opinion free speech is the constitutional right of every American and there is no reason that anyone should lose their job or feel threatened if they say something that offends a single group.
While the LGBT community is among the more prominent the sad reality is that our own government is doing the same thing. The U.S government that is sworn to uphold the law and protect it's citizens it is doing everything but. The tactic of this government has been to flood the airwaves with misinformation via the liberal media. The reality is that 6 years into the Obama presidency the national debt has increased by over 100%, there has been lie on top of lie relating to everything from foreign policy to cell phone recordings and healthcare. The level of corruption in this administration is staggering, to the point that it is almost a daily occurrence. America as we knew it ceased to exist when Obama took office and along with it the freedoms that were formerly thought to be untouchable. When the IRS is blatantly targeting conservative groups without consequence, promises made about healthcare that were never true and massive cover ups like Benghazi what hope is there of America remaining free. People are slowly starting to wake up and realize that the government isn't out to protect us or for our betterment, it's out for its own selfish purposes. Whatever your opinion is on things like healthcare there is no arguing with certain things. Let's say that the president had no idea that Millions of people would lose their healthcare because of his signature law and that he was as shocked as everyone else, what has he done to fix it. Further more why would we want someone in charge of this country (and our healthcare) that is so out of touch with reality. The fact that he had no idea the extreme negative impact that the law would cost over a TRILLION dollars all over the coming years. This was never about healthcare and the people that don't have it, it was always about power and control. The government now has direct control over Millions and Millions of people's healthcare, that's more subsidies, more welfare spending and more people being paid off not to better themselves.
Whatever your opinion on these issues the reality is that we are stealing from our kids and selling them into slavery. With this kind of debt that is showing no signs of slowing and the freedoms that we enjoy slowly being eroded the America out children will grow up in is not going to be a free country at all but one that is enslaved to debt and a government that is intent on keeping its people oppressed at all costs. So stand up and fight against the bully that is the gay community, put your foot down when it comes to compromising what is right. Get involved in a cause that you believe in, write your congressman, senators and representatives. Find a petition for something you want to see changed and sign it or start one of your own and start getting signatures. There is an old saying that all it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing. We need to take action, don't let even win this fight it's our country to lose and it will be if we stand idly by.
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/26302301@N00/3111207407">366 - 350: You can't shut me up</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/">(license)</a>
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